
Showing posts from March, 2014

Laravel-4 Routes Not Working? Here is the solution

It's frustrating when your routes aren't working as expected and returns 404 error instead. It was really irritating and wasted couple of my precious hours. After a while i came up with the solution. The error comes up because the .htaccess file is lack of permission.  Follow these steps to get it right.  Step - 01 If you are using wamp/xampp open  "httpd.conf" file. Search for " LoadModule rewrite_module modules/". Remove the '# 'in front of it and enable it by uncommenting.     Step - 02 Again search for " <Directory /> " in httpd.conf file. Change " AllowOverride None"  to " AllowOverride All" under Directory tag. Save Changes.  Step - 03 Restart Apache Server.  The default .htaccess file that Laravel provides in the public folder specified some mod_rewrite rules. These rules were not getting applied because AllowOverride was set to none. Be sure and restart ...

Laravel-4 Configuration & Installation via Composer with Wamp/Xampp for Windows

Hi guys, Installation process of Laravel-4 is different from Laravel-3. Unlike in Laravel-3 you can't run it just by downloading the zip file from GitHub.  There is a special program called "Composer" which is a dependency manager for PHP. You need to have it installed first. Following steps will show how to setup.  Step 01 Download the  composer from Run the setup. If you get following error window, that means you haven't enabled openssl for php.  Go-to Step 02 The openssl extension is missing, which will reduce the security and stability of Composer. If possible you should enable it or recompile php with --with-openssl Step 02   Open Wamp/Xampp folder.  Go-to  C:\wamp\bin\php\php5...\php.ini or C:\xampp\bin\php\php5...\php.ini In the php.ini document, search for "extension=php_openssl.dll" line remove the semicolon in front of it and save the file.  now ...

Knowledge Management at 99XTechnology

When I started reading through lecture notes about the Framework for Knowledge Management, I couldn't find a better example but relating each concept to the place I went for my internship. 99XTechnology is a reputed IT company in Sri Lanka. They practice “Agile” and they are into Product Engineering. It occurred to me that almost all the activities happening in this company conforms to Knowledge Management Framework. Following is a description of how I reflect it.  Concept 01 - Selectivity Selectivity is the quality of carefully choosing something as the best or the most suitable. In software Industry, choosing right customers is a vital task. 99XTechnology serves only for “ISV”, short for Independent Software Vendors. They are the people or companies that sell the products to their own customer base. In comparison ISV and End-User customers, ISVs are always stable. They are easy to negotiate, and understandable. With ISV's recommendation they can easily reach ...

Towards Semantic Web

Semantic Web Big Picture Introduction The Semantic Web is an evolving collection of knowledge, built to allow anyone on the Internet to add what they know and find answers to their questions. Information on the Semantic web, rather than being in natural language text, is maintained in a structured form which is fairly easy for both computers and people to work with. Description The structuring is simple: knowledge is expressed as descriptive statements, saying some relationship exists between one thing and another. "Jane has a mother, Susan" or "Susan is a mother of Jane". An enormous amount of people's knowledge can be expressed in sentences like these. "Part #4521 has a price, $19.95." "George has a city of residence, Washington D.C." "The United States has a president, Barak Obama" Names Of course names like "Jane" do not work very well to identify a specific person in the whole world, so on the S...