Laravel-4 Configuration & Installation via Composer with Wamp/Xampp for Windows

Hi guys,

Installation process of Laravel-4 is different from Laravel-3. Unlike in Laravel-3 you can't run it just by downloading the zip file from GitHub. 

There is a special program called "Composer" which is a dependency manager for PHP. You need to have it installed first. Following steps will show how to setup. 

Step 01

Download the composer from

Run the setup.
If you get following error window, that means you haven't enabled openssl for php. 
Go-to Step 02
The openssl extension is missing, which will reduce the security and stability of Composer. If possible you should enable it or recompile php with --with-openssl
Step 02 

Open Wamp/Xampp folder. 
Go-to C:\wamp\bin\php\php5...\php.ini or C:\xampp\bin\php\php5...\php.ini
In the php.ini document, search for "extension=php_openssl.dll" line
remove the semicolon in front of it and save the file. 
now composer should install without any issues
[check if the composer is properly installed by opening up a command prompt and typing "composer" without quotes]

Step 03

Go-to Wamp/Xampp folder
Create a folder called "laravel" inside www or htdocs folder.
Open a command prompt 
Navigate to www or htdocs folder (cd C:\wamp\www)
To download Laravel with all the dependencies to the created "laravel" folder, type following command.

composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel --prefer-dist
Press Enter. (It will take a while to install laravel into the folder)

That's it! 
Once it is installed, go-to your localhost/laravel
It should show following message with icon.

successful icon

Now you can start your Laravel-4 development :)



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